
Monday, June 27, 2011

'The Abbey"

My ancestral home is Somerset England (we have traced my father's family to the mid 1300's in Somerset).  I have always been obsessed with one day visiting there, and as such spend hours researching, reading, and gazing at photo's!  My hubby calls it archair traveling, but for now it has to be enough.  Maybe someday.

At any rate, while doing just that, I found (again) some photo's and stories about Glastonbury Abbey.  These ruins are the site of the oldest known Christian church in the world, and by all accounts it is a peaceful, beautiful and restful place.  It has always haunted me.  I decided to try to paint it, and this is the result.  I liked it, and thought it might sell.  Little did I know, before I even had it off the easel and properly listed I would sell it.  Within hours of posting that it was finished, it had been bought and paid for!  Apparently someone else feels the magic that this place holds, as strongly as I do. 

So, I can say that I will have prints available of this one, but the original will be gone to it's forever home as soon as it is dry enough to safely ship.

I have also decided to use this one for one of this year's Christmas Cards, from The Painted Ladys Place!  Here is a sneak preview of the card -

Let me know what you think!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Winner of "Sunfired Branches" at The Painted Lady's Place!

Congratulations to Sarah Nowak!  You have been selected by Random.Org as the winner of the painting!  I have emailed you, and you have 48 hours to respond with your paypal email addy (for shipping charges) and your complete mailing address.  Please respond no later than 8pm on Thursday June 23rd, to avoid forfeiture of your prize!

Thank you everyone of you for entering and following my work!  I LOVE MY FANS!

Vicky aka The Painted Lady

Monday, June 13, 2011

A Big Day at The Painted Lady's Place

Today was the biggest single mailing day ever, here at The Painted Lady's Place! I just had to share! I am so blessed, to have so many faithful fans, and followers!

I got to spend my morning writing notes, making cards and prints and wrapping packages to be mailed out. Usually I go to the post office at least three times a week, with a order or two, so it is a familiar trip.

But today, I had to make two trips to my car, (we call it The Painted Buggy, isn't it just too cute?) just to load it with all that was ordered in the past few days and mailed out today. It took me all morning to get ready and by 2 p.m. I was at the Post Office with not one, not two, but SIX PACKAGES! That is right, six, AND some of those packages contained more than one item!

Altogether today I mailed out 3 cards, 3 prints, and 5 original paintings! I wanted to post this and say THANK YOU, to everyone of you, who follow me and interract with me and my work.  Thank you for an an amazing day! I love painting and want nothing more than to eventually be able to make my whole living doing it!  Today, I was able to glimpse for just a bit, into that future! Thanks again!